A great time of worship, teaching and fellowship with our friends, Pastor Roderick and the CYI, Christ For Youth International.
While in Bolgatanga the tired engine gave out. We thank God that the old 1996 Hyundai Galloper has taken us far, and been an invaluable tool in reaching out, especially in the remote north.
We traveled from Bolgatanga in the north, to Kumasi in the southern-central region to find a “home use” (used & – unknown source) engine and gear box (4×4 transmission). After a long trip down and a sleep over, we found the engine the next day from one of many piles and stacks of engines. We prayed throughout the process and believe that God led us to the right people and engine. We traveled with the engine and trans in the back of a small taxi up to Bolga. Being overloaded,,, it was a long 12 hr. journey well into the night. We thank God.
The next day “Elvis”(our young and talented mechanic friend) and gary got everything removed and installed and we drove that night.
After a long day,,, it’s time to eat some Banku, fish and okra stew!
The entire process and project (travel, transport, engine, transmission and labor) cost $1,800.00. We thank God for a dear friend and partner who provided for more than half of the cost.
gary with the Grass Lake Calvary Church/West African Bible Institute team, after gifting Pastor Robert and his wife Mavis with a motor bike. This transportation has already helped him and made him much more effective in his work and coordination’s.
gary is traveling to Bolga on Aug. 18. Please pray for safe travel and wisdom while serving there. Once again God has blown us away by providing for and encouraging us through His people!
Siham has been delayed in returning to Ghana, we thank God for our dear friends here in Ghana who provided the funds for gary to travel to the states. In the last month, Siham has had 2 deaths in her extended family, our daughter Theresa had eye surgery, and continued eye Dr. appointments for siham’s eyes and an experimental drug trying to regulate the pressures in Her eyes. Please pray with us for her vision.
Thank you all for your continued love, encouragement and partnership in His mission. “To reach this broken and lost world.”
In Him,
gary & siham
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