We Thank God,
that we are home for the holidays.

A number of friendly folks have wished us happy holidays. We can’t help but wonder, holidays or Holy-Days?

The beauty & wonder of Christmas – GOD CAME TO US!
HE GAVE – His all for us.
May we give our all: All that we are and all that we want – to Him.      “Your life is not your own, you’ve been bought with a price.”
“Where I am, My servant will also be.”

Days – filled with the awareness that God is with us, of what God has done for us (“IT IS FINISHED”), what He is doing in the world around us and what He wants to do in and through us.
Just as –  “The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” –
May the word become flesh (in us – in our lives) and move into our neighborhoods, especially in these days -these Holy-Days.

“The Christian life is literally the life of Christ being fleshed out in our lives.”   Vance Pitman
“The Christian life is nothing less than the life He Lived then, being lived Now, by Him – In me.”   Ian Thomas

We go because He Came,
We give because He Gave.
God is not looking for ability, He is looking for availability.

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It’s not that our friends are,,, well,,, not incredibly able and talented,,, they are!  “God is faithful and He will do it.”                                                                                                            Mother Theresa said, that she was but “a pencil in the hand of God.”

We are the first to acknowledge that God has us in way over our heads.
We know this: The body has many parts and all the parts belong to all the other parts.     
We need your help. Please pray.         
Please consider coming over and see what God may do, how He may use and lead you.            
God has provided a 5 bedroom house. We are in an area where there is much to do!

Ghana: -The church/school roof in Garu (near Bawku) in our friend Pastor David’s community, was completed just before we traveled. -The West African Bible Institute now has land just outside Bolgatanga. Prayer, planning and campus development are “on the way coming”. -Our dear friends and partners – Pastors Solomon, Clement, John, Emmanuel, Wilson, Edmund and Robert are serving and leading well. We look forward to not just serving & working but doing life         together when we return. Many of our friends are following, enduring, perservering and serving Jesus in ways and conditions that are humbling and convicting. Often they just need authentic relationship and fellowship to encourage and strengthen them,,, to keep going.

“Anyone who gives a cup of water to one of my disciples, will not fail to receive,,,”

Before making the move to north it became clear that the 1997 Hyundai Galloper was too tired for what and where God is leading us. It’s been said, that you have to count the age of a vehicle worked in Africa, in dog years.
Even though it was an on going labor of love, it was an effective ministry tool, it served many friends & communities and it took us on many journeys, and into some “hard to reach” places.
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Please pray for: Our friends in Ghana and the lost in the north, for the graduating students and new church plants, for a dependable vehicle, rest, refreshment and equipping while home.


Happy – Holy – days
 In Him,
gary & siham

Posted via email from Gary’s posterous

Happy Holy-days

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