Akwaaba – Welcome/Hello
Enjoying a fresh coconut, bargaining for fresh snails and “Grass Cutter”. All, good eat’in.
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Mike & Lillian arrived on Jan. 28 and the 1st “Breaking Free” conference/seminar began the following day.
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4 full days in Accra, and at 0400, our team of 29 packed and boarded the bus for Bolgatanga in the north. Approx 18hrs later we arrived.
The beautiful ways that God connects us and joins us together in His love is one of the sweetest gifts in this journey with God.
One of our favorite things to say among our friends:
     “Yen yen-ah yey-yey baaku!” – we are all one!
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Bringing food for Katanga children.
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The team hanging out and lov’in on Solomon & the Katanga community.
They were all amazing in their love and service!
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Sharing a local meal with the community.
It’s amazing how much eating together builds relational bridges and breaks down walls and barriers.
 we are one!
 “I stand at the door knocking, if anyone will open door, I will come in and have supper with him.”
                 I will come close and we will have intimacy — In To Me See!
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“Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the words of Christ.”
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Mike & Lillian left for the U.S. on Feb 8. 2 wonderful weeks. We believe, that God, as always, did His great work; Through them, around them and in them.
“He who began the work in us is faithful to see it to completion,,,”
We are ONE!
Father, I pray that they may be one as we are one.” Jesus – (John 17)
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Jan – Feb 2012

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