It’s now the rainy season in southern Ghana, which brings frequent and heavy rains. Everything slows down and becomes more difficult, like when it snows in MI.
Our friends in northern Ghana have been praying and waiting for rain. The last couple of years have been exceptionally difficult in the north. The people, animals, crops and harvests have suffered. When a family or community has a poor harvest, the resulting hardships and recovery often last for years.
“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and truth.”  1 John 3:17-18
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WE THANK GOD! Friends have raised the funds to provide a bore hole (water well). While visiting Pastor Clement and the Church in Bea, outside Bolgatanga, they saw the need,,,
 A bore hole will help support the primary school that is now held in the Church and many families in the area. We believe that this help will glorify God and display His love and compassion to the community.
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Praising Jesus,,,
                             also heartbroken and crying out to God for the spiritual & physical needs of the people.
In Bea Church (Bolga). With one of the community elders who acknowledged the love and activity of God among them, has given his life to Jesus. Pastor Rodrick, Siham and a few of the Bea children who are now in school.
Recently we were blessed to attend a training weekend on CHE (Community Health Evangelism & Education). Moving from Relief and Recovery to DEVELOPMENT!
 We believe that this is part of discipleship.  –  Not just decisions but Disciples.
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Recent gatherings with CYI (Christ For Youth International) Praising God – in and through the rain.
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With Pastor Roderick, CYI leaders and worship team.
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Preparing for upcoming programs and  concert.
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We thank God and we thank you for providing a generator for the CYI ministry!
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In Him, gary & siham

Posted via email from Gary’s posterous

Living Water

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