Pastor Solomon organized a night to show the Jesus film in the local Fra Fra language. This was done with generator, big screen, etc. There is no electricity or paved roads out here. With rain threatening, hundreds came out and many made decisions for Christ. The church has been full from the first service.
We prayed for God to provide the resources to finish and furnish the church, and complete the work at the children’s home. God provided, and blessed the work in such a way that we were able to do more than the original scope and come in under budget on both the church and children’s home projects.
The original budget projection was $13,196.00. The final cost; including team expenses, vehicle repairs and $800.00 in community donations was $7,853.52.
Over $5,000.00 under budget, We thank God and we thank you!
Please pray for Pastor Solomon and the Katanga Church. Almost immediately after we left, persecution broke out against them. Even now our brothers and sisters of Katanga are fasting and praying. Please pray!
We love you all, Thank you for your love and partnership. Let’s keep running the race,,,in way that points others to the goal and the finish line. Jesus!
“Don’t you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way as to get the prize…Therefore i do not run like a man running aimlessly,,,”
1 Corinthians 9:22-27