Siham & Annie, lov’in, bless’in & serv’in
While constructing the Village of Life campus here in Kete Kratchi; we and the men, of multiple faiths, start the days with bible study and prayer. God has blessed this by growing a love and unity among them that is rare and wonderful. On Sunday April 24, during “church” at the work site, all of the men repented, accepted, or rededicated themselves to our Lord Jesus. Men of different faiths worshiping together, praising both God and Jesus, together in unity! A Glimpse of heaven, “people from every nation and tongue”. Each man expressed his desire to be more than a “religious man”, to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. There were 12 men present.
Our mason /foreman who is/was of a different faith now articulates that he “does not need an imam, priest or pastor to get to God. or to get right with God.” He says that “now, he has a right standing (righteousness) with God through faith in Jesus, not religion.” “God loved – God gave – we believe – we receive.” (John 3:16). “To believe means to put my full weight in the wheel barrel, lift my feet off the ground and let God push me,,,even across a small board on a high scaffolding. And if I ‘believe in’ Jesus like this, I am safe and not in danger any more.”
In Christian-ese we often say – saved. Here we like to say, we are now safe – rescued – no longer in danger,,, of being separated from God. The men understand that we are created in the image and likeness of God; “somehow like Him”, as they say. Therefore, we are all eternal beings. What will our eternity be, is the real question. We often talk of 2 questions we see in Genesis 16:8; “Woo free hee and Woo quo hee?” Where have you come from, and where are you going?
cook’in Banku on the site
All – “powered by armstrong”, manual labor, digging up aggregate, making blocks, mixing concrete, carpentry, etc, Our African brothers and sisters can WORK!
Robert from Bolgatanga in de north, and Joseph from home fellowship in Accra have continued to serve with us here in Kratchi. As we do community outreach, home church and organized church functions; Joseph leads worship, he is gifted and God has used him. These are 2 men who have committed to “follow” Jesus and God has used them not only as a great help to us, but also as great blessings and examples to both their fellow construction workers and the children. They are here with us in faith, trusting God to provide for them. Like the men, they normally earn about $5.00 to $7.00 a day.
“Go, i wish you well, keep warm and well fed, what good is that?” – “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James)
Joseph, who is our electrician/worship leader, co-worker.
thank you for giving & sacrificing
Our Robert & Joseph, experiencing “life in the full”.
It is exciting to see how God is loving, stretching and growing those around us who have said “yes Lord”. Many of you have said “yes Lord” in partnering with us and we can’t express our gratitude and thankfulness for you enough. You constantly remind us that our God loves to; “dress Himself up in human skin”; and often does some of His best and coolest work, through His people!
Our Annie, from Colorado, has extended her stay/ministry with us an additional 2 months. God has also used her in many ways. Please keep them/us in your prayers, we have seen God at work but not without strong opposition. “A great door for effective ministry has been opened to me, but there are many who oppose me.” (Paul)
These men were some of the first students in the school, Jesus is there course of study.
Please pray for disciples not just decisions!
We believe that God is leading us back to Bolgatanga in the far north of Ghana. Mama Laadi’s children’s home has had a failed septic system for the boys dorm for over a year, (unsanitary to say the least) We plan to construct a new/secondary system. We also believe that God is leading us to build a church with some of our brothers and sisters in Bolga who live, work and worship “in de bush” as we say here. Photo’s & details of upcoming Bolga outreach/church plant to come.
Our 6th grandchild is “on the way coming”, as we say here in Ghana.
Thank you for your love & partnership in His mission, “to seek and save the lost”.
gary & siham